A Way Out Wiki

Vincent Moretti is one of two main protagonists in A Way Out.

Spoiler alert *


Ingame Description

After earning a college degree in financing and marrying his high school sweetheart, Vincent settled on a job in banking.

Promises of easy money ended up shattering his whole life when he got drawn into the world of organized crime.

Background and early life

Vincent works undercover at the bureau, working together with his brother to bring down the known drug kingpin, Harvey. During this stingoperation Harvey shoots the brother, Garey, in the head, and leaves the scene.

Vincent has problems with his wife, because she is worried about him, because of his line of work.

Events of A Way Out

Vincent is seeing in a plane with Leo in the opening credits, then flashbacks to seeing him on the prison bus entering prison for his "crimes"

In the prison he befriends a inmate names Leo, and they together works out a master plan, to escape the prison.

When they finally escapes the prison through a lot of work, and cooperation they manage to make it work.

They end op sailing down the river, coming to a farm, getting new cloths, a car and a better escape plan and further information in their plan.

When they enters the city they confront one of Harvey's henchmen, Ray, a foreman for the construction firm. They interrogates him, and gets information about Harvey's whereabouts. Mexico.

They takes on, to take down Harvey, and get their revenge.

They got Harvey, returns home, just to Leo's knowledge he discovers that Vincent was undercover cop all the way.

In Leo's rampage he takes the gun out of Vincents hand, and takes him hostage. While Leo makes a run for it, in a nearby policecar, with Vincent in the car with him, they starts to yell at each other. The carchase ends in a crash, and they drives over a bridge into the river, and Leo tries to get away from it all. While Leo tries to start a nearby boat, Vincent hits the water, and tries to swim to Leo, but he got the boat starting, and sails away from Vincent.

Vincent is getting picked up, by Emily, the police pilot, whom always serves as the pilot for Vincent and Leo, when they went for Harvey. Emily flies by in a helicopter, and they now chases Leo in the boat. They ends op destroying Leo's boat, and he then jumps out of the burning boat, which then sails into explosives containers and makes a huge explosion. Vincent and Emily now looks, and spots Leo trying to run away, into a building. Emily confronts Leo, and then Leo tells Emily its between him and Vincent and asks her to leave. Emily wont leave, and ends of nearly getting shot by Leo until she made up her mind to leave.

Vincent and Leo now have a huge shootout scene in the large building, which ends op with either one of them dead.


There are two ways it can end for Vincent, the player can either choose to keep Vincent alive, and therefore kills Leo during so.

The First one, where Vincent lives, he shoots Leo in the chest, killing him, and ending the chapter. He then travels to Leos wife and kid, where he explains the situation.

The second ending, is where Leo shoots Vincent and kills him during so, which leads to Leo going to Vincents family to deliver his last letter to his wife, explaining everything. Leo takes home to his family, and they rides out in the horizon.

